Between the private life of the citizen and the public glare of criminal accusation stands the prosecutor. That state official has the power to employ the full machinery of the state in scrutinizing any given individual. Even if a defendant is ultimately acquitted, forced immersion in criminal investigation and adjudication is a wrenching disruption of everyday life. For this reason, we must have assurance that those who would wield this power will be guided solely by their sense of public responsibility for the attainment of justice.
Island County Prosecutor |
For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, Whatcom County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at
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Driving under the influence of alcohol consumption is regarded to be one on the serious crimes all over the globe. Most of the countries have severe consequence for this kind of criminal offense, as while drunk and driving it may possibly end up in accidents that injures other persons as well. Just in case when one is booked for drunken drive, the best, the individual can do would be to employ DUI Lawyers to save him.